Michal Feiglis, Kerem Institute student
Shimon Adaf, exposed, speaks about his book, Mox Nox, with Bilha Ben Eliyau at the Kerem Institute. Stripping themselves of their academic titles and extensive professional experience, they look like students in the intimate Kerem auditorium, as they speak to each other and to the audience with familiarity. A conversation in a protected space, enveloped by the sounds of Kerem student Talia Ashuri's piano-playing. Bilha connects to the music. Her smile and warmth radiate as she listens to Adaf, and together they share some of the Mox-Noxi magic with their listeners.
I'd like to dwell on a moment from that evening encounter, during which Adaf began to read a section from his book and Bilha resumed where he left off. A harmonic moment, during which I observed young people seated around a low stage in the heart of Jerusalem, listening to the two artists, along with teachers, literary critics and authors. As they listened, their attention became part of the reading and writing. For a moment, the uncertainty at the horizon cleared; for a moment it was, is and will be possible, possible to deal with life and literature...while Bilha, reading Adaf aloud, with precision, continued to paint the lines of my thoughts.