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A Secured Future – Preparation for Employment

A Secured Future – Preparation for Employment

A Secured Future is an intensive program by The Division of Welfare & Social Resilience in partnership with Israel’s National Insurance Institute, empowering youth by providing them with life skills and preparing them for their future employment world. A Secured Future program aims to expand the 'toolbox' of Youth at-Risk, based on the understanding that preparation for employment is a key tool for taking youth out of the poverty cycle and from living on the margins of society.

A Secured Future program provides a means for developing personal abilities and skills. This strengthens learning and communication skills, and encourages removal of social and structural barriers.  It thereby enables their successful integration into society and prepares them for the future employment world.

Our committed partners include: Israel's Ministry of Education, Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, National Insurance, Adelis Foundation, Agudat Sabah, Dan & Gloria Schusterman Foundation, Rashi Foundation, Ted Arison Family Foundation, Ruach Nechona, Bank Leuimi, JNF UK, the Academic College of Netanya, local education authorities and municipalities in Israel.

משרדי כל ישראל חברים

מקווה ישראל: ביה״ס החקלאי מקווה ישראל, חולון 5891000 | טל. 072-2566671 | פקס. 03-5537695

בנייה VIIM בניית אתרים