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A Tale of Two Cities

Cracking the Glass Ceiling opening events in Bat-Yam and Netanya

"It was the best of times" wrote Charles Dickens. That is how we will remember the event opening the Kol Israel Haverim Cracking the Glass Ceiling program. On the one hand, the town of Bat Yam, the program's senior participant, celebrated the implementation of the program in all its high schools; Netanya, on the other hand, celebrated joining the program. Cracking the Glass Ceiling promotes scholastic achievement in sciences, and emotional and gender empowerment for girls through encounters with successful women. As a result of its success over the years, Kol Isarel Haverim was asked, for the first time, to run the program city-wide in Bat-Yam in 2013. The Bat Yam program is proof that municipal involvement contributes to the program's strength and makes in accessible to a wider public, so that its effect on participating girls and on the education system is enhanced.
The two evenings were festive and special, each in its own way, but the peak moment was the connection made between the two towns in the Netanya event, where four Bat-Yam participants arrived to hold an emotional encounter with the new girls taking their first steps in the world of hi-tech. The guests from Bat-Yam held a discussion panel where they excitedly told their "program sisters" about study tours in companies such as Google and Microsoft, their encounters with successful Israeli women, and the empowering processes they underwent during the program.
We have high hopes for the program's future in the two cities and in additional towns. "It won't be easy. Nobody promised you a rose garden," said Dr. Naama Azulay, VP of Education at Kol Israel Haverim, "but we will be right behind you".


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